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Casimiroa - Jason - Grafted

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Jason is one of our top varieties of Casimiroa on offer! The fruit produced on this tree are absolutely delicious, with a very fine flavour, perfect texture, and superb sweetness level. The flavour of Jason has the taste and texture of a tropical custard.

On top of having some the finest Casimiroa available, Jason is also an absolutely prolific fruiter, and also has 2 crops per year on the mother tree!

Jason is a New Zealand developed variety, with the mother tree originating Near Whangarei. It was a chance seedling of only a few planted by Jason himself, that ended up producing much better fruit than some other international varieties.

Casimiora care tips


  • Subtropical to tropical, tolerating brief temperatures down to -5.5°C. However, young trees require frost protection.
  • Prefers moderate humidity, but adapts well to high humidity.
  • Requires sunny locations in cooler areas, with potential for some shade in warmer climates.
  • Needs regular watering, though it can withstand short dry periods.
  • Deep soil is essential due to its large taproot; container growing is limited to trees with root pruning or cuttings.


Casimiroa - Jason - Grafted

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